• Family British Shorthair at Vancouver Canada

What should a thoroughbred British baby look like?

2 Mar, 2020

What should a thoroughbred British baby look like?

No matter how small the kitten is, it should have, as they say, the main features of the breed: it is a compact “teddy bear” with short legs, a rounded head, short neck, small ears and round, wide-set eyes.

  • The coat should be short and dense, healthy-looking, not fallen off and not greasy, without traces of parasites, crusts and dandruff.
  • The eyes are clear, not watery and not festering, without a visible third century.
  • The oral cavity is clean, the gums are pink. Bad breath, indicating the presence of any disease, is not allowed.
  • The nose should also be clean, without crusts, cracks and secretions. The breath is calm and even, without whistling and wheezing.
  • The ears are clean, pink in color.

It is important to pay attention to the condition of the anus. It should be clean, with no signs of inflammation or stool.

Pay attention to the behavior of the kitten. He should feel comfortable in the breeder’s house, calmly respond to family members, guests and other animals. He is familiar with the gamut of home sounds, that is, a telephone and a doorbell, a TV, a washing machine, and the like sounds that are saturated in every home. He also knows the feel of carpet, ceramic tiles, and wooden floors under his feet. These kittens very quickly get used to the new home, as they are used to the home environment from the first days.

It is very important to understand whether the breeder loves this kitten, whether the kitten is accustomed to hands, whether he likes to play with the owner. This turns out to be important not only for the life of the kitten in your home, but also for his continued success on the show.

A happy, well-mannered kitten will take root in a new house much faster and easier than one that is not accustomed to hands and is used to living in a pack.

As a rule, if at the first viewing you were not determined, then in the future by 10 weeks of age kittens may lose their roundness and change for the worse. This is a normal change associated with growth and development.

Be sure to listen carefully to the breeder. He will probably tell you in detail about the development of his lines, perhaps show photos of previous litters. You can also find recommendations for planning your pet’s show career.

And the last – in no case do not take a kitten younger than two months. Two months is the minimum time he should spend with his mother. The ideal age for sale is 2.5-3 months. At this age, kittens already eat any food, know how to use the toilet, monitor the cleanliness of their fur coat, are well-versed in the world around them. If you are offered a so-called “bred” kitten, 5-8 months old or even older, don’t hesitate to buy it. Cats under the age of two quite calmly endure a shift at home.

So make your choice – and let it be successful, because the cat should only bring positive emotions to the house!

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