• Family British Shorthair at Vancouver Canada

British Golden Chinchilla Care

british golden chinchilla
9 Jul, 2021

British Golden Chinchilla Care

Hygiene and other grooming procedures not only help keep your pet clean, but also improve its well-being.

Hair care

British golden chinchilla has a very rare color, and therefore requires special care of the coat in order to look healthy and beautiful. For the rest of the care, these cats are unpretentious. If you do not follow regular grooming of the cat’s fur, tangles appear and the appearance of the cat deteriorates significantly.

Regular grooming will help maintain your pet’s health and coat color.british golden chinchilla

Such cats are owners of a two-level coat, so you need to be prepared for the fact that you need to wash and comb the wool of British beauties on a regular basis. The coat of these cats includes the guard hair and the undercoat. Therefore, the brushing procedure must be carried out according to a special method.

The combing procedure, in turn, has its own characteristics and tricks, and that is:

You need to walk along the growth of hairs, then you need to do the same way in the opposite direction. To make the coat of British chinchillas look beautiful and well-groomed, it is important to do this procedure 2 times a week. Then there will be no tangles on the coat, and the cat will feel good. This procedure should be carried out with a fine-toothed comb or a special combing glove.


These cats do not like swimming at all, so you need to find a special approach to the animal so that it is comfortable in the bath. To do this, you can put a rug, throw your favorite toys and slowly turn on warm water so as not to frighten the animal. If the cat does not want to go to the bath and rests with all its paws, then you can postpone bathing for another day.

The next day, you can, as described above, lay a pimpled rug, put the cat in the bath and slowly start turning on the water. Over time, the animal will become accustomed to the water and will not resist bathing much. It is permissible to bathe the babies of the British golden chinchilla from the age of two weeks; it is not recommended to start this procedure earlier, since the kitten has not yet fully developed immunity, and it may get sick.

Since the wool of these cats is light, but it does not get dirty often, you need to bathe the British golden chinchilla once every three months with extreme caution so that water does not get into your ears. Often bathing the animal is not worth it, as it licks itself, thereby cleansing the coat. In this case, you can use the game to lure the cat into the bath if he does not want to at all, but you should not drag it by force, as the cat will start scratching, biting and splashing water. Because of this, the animal can experience stress, but such cases rarely occur, since by their nature British golden chinchillas are very calm and balanced, but being prepared for anything never hurts.british golden chinchilla

Ear care

When caring for the hearing organs, dirt and dark plaque are removed with the help of cotton wool. The cotton wool should be moistened with a special compound that is used to clean the ears of cats. After the cotton wool has been prepared for cleaning the ears, you need to take the cat in your arms and, with extreme care, perform the necessary procedure for cleaning the ears. Ear cleaning should be done every 2 weeks.

Eye care

The eyes should also be given special care. Because profuse lacrimation may begin. This is due to the fact that the structure of the cat’s eye is peculiar and is explained by the original structure of the cat’s lacrimal tubules. With this procedure, everything should also be done carefully and not cause severe discomfort to the cat. Without sudden movements, smoothly and gently, holding the pet in your arms.

The kitten’s eyes should be checked regularly to avoid clots in the corners of the eyes. Every morning they must be wiped with a damp disc moistened with a decoction of herbs, or warm, plain water.

If, nevertheless, the eye has become rotten, then tetracycline ointment is used.

In more serious cases, you should contact your veterinarian and consult your doctor to determine the cause of the eye condition. But, if these rules are followed, no problems will arise every day and everything will be fine.

Oral care

Most often, dental problems arise due to improper nutrition, less often due to injuries. With improper nutrition, the tooth begins to crumble from the inside, just as improper care causes the destruction of the tooth from the outside.

Below are the rules for the prevention and care of the oral cavity in the British golden chinchilla. If you do not follow the rules below, then the cat’s tooth may deteriorate by the age of three.

For the prevention of teeth, scientists recommend giving the animal dry food, since in nature, cats are accustomed to chewing tree branches, thereby brushing their teeth, and thanks to dry food, when chewing, the same effect occurs as from the bark of a tree.

You need to start brushing your teeth as soon as plaque is visible. But also we must not forget about the prevention of the cat’s oral cavity. Let’s turn to pastes. Human toothpastes are not suitable for brushing your teeth, so you need to choose a special toothpaste. Paste brushes can be purchased at any pet store. There is also another way to brush your teeth: put on a special brushing attachment on your finger and gently brush your cat’s teeth.

When preventing a cat’s oral cavity, in order to avoid diseases, its oral cavity, teeth, gums should be treated once a week. If you follow this rule carefully, it can help prevent the occurrence of serious problems associated with the teeth and mouth of the cat.

Nail care

As for the care of the claws of the golden British, they are trimmed once every 2-3 weeks. Also, a kitten can sharpen its claws on its own, using a scratching post. When using it, the pet itself removes the keratinized particles and thereby helps itself with the care of the claws. The main thing is that the scratching post is in a good place and is stable, so that when the cat sharpens its claws, it does not fall.

If you follow all the rules for caring for a British golden chinchilla, then its health will be at the highest level, you will not need to visit a veterinarian often, and the cat’s coat will look healthy and well-groomed. The cat itself will also experience the pleasure of life and unlimited love for its owners, who take proper care of their beloved pet every day.

Caring for British golden chinchillas does not require much effort, the main thing is to follow these procedures every day and not forget about anything, then the cat will not have any health problems, and she will be beautiful and happy with life.

If the cat begins to behave strangely, it is necessary to take it to the veterinarian as soon as possible.

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