Mating british shorthair cats
We assume that we successfully survived the childhood period of a cat’s life. Your child has passed on to that stage of perfection, where he is now, as they say in common people, an extradition.
You have a very beautiful, wonderful cat, and it is simply necessary that she has even more wonderful kittens.
Before your kitty becomes a mother, she should be prepared. This is good nutrition, it is fresh air, and vitamins. Everything you need for future pregnant women. The cat before pregnancy should receive enough calcium in order to preserve its teeth and so that the bones of future kittens are strong and healthy.
At about 7-10 months old, your cat began to look at you pityingly, roll on the floor, purr, showing with all her appearance that she misses the opposite sex and that she really wants to chat with the cat. By the third manifestation of such behavior, you should already be prepared. It is necessary to give the cat all vaccinations (no later than 10 months before mating); worms should be kicked out (a month before mating); pussy should be washed, combed. And also make sure that she has a worthy groom.
Many clubs operating according to the rules of the European FIFe system do not recognize kittens born of a cat that has not passed examination. These kittens are considered unplanned, pedigree, and a very big problem to attach them to them. That is why you need to look in advance for a cat for your kitty. This can be done at the exhibition: take the catalog, get acquainted with its participants, choose by breed, color, age, knowing the groom’s parents, his titles and titles. Make a note of the owner’s phone, phoning and negotiating. It’s good if there are several candidates for grooms. Suddenly someone will not like your cat! In addition, life is life: people can leave, get sick, and they will not be up to your problems, a cat can be busy with another bride, can go somewhere or even get sick. Better safe than sorry.
You can talk with your club felinologists or with a cat breeder – maybe they will tell you the most worthy of the most worthy. A common language with the owners of the groom will also have to find. Your kitty will stay at their house for three to four days while the “wedding” will take place. The knitting must necessarily occur on the territory of the groom – then he feels himself the master of the situation, acts bolder and more decisively.
When all these issues have been resolved, get ready to go knit. Sometimes experts recommend that an unbound cat be brought in for mating on the second day of estrus, and a loose one can be taken on the third. Trim the cat’s claws, cook her food for three days, take her toilet and filler, put it in a carrier. Upon arrival at the groom’s house, do not rush to let the bride out of the carrier. Let him sit a bit, sniff. The cat will probably come closer to her and will want to meet her. By mutual behavior, it will be seen whether they liked each other or not yet. If not, it will take longer to mate than you expected. If they immediately have an interest in each other, then the behavior will be appropriate, without scandals, fights. A continuous purr.
While cats get to know each other, you yourself should take a closer look at the cat. What does he look like in what condition. Look at his documents, passport, when and what vaccinations were given. The same documents on your cat will be asked to show you.
When everything suits you, you can go home. Do not disturb the owners of the cat with unnecessary calls. Arrange when you better call, or maybe call you when the mating took place. Kitty can be picked up one and a half days after mating.
Usually mating occurs without human intervention. Nature always plans everything correctly. The cat will grab the kitty by the scruff of the neck and, having adapted, will fulfill its male duty. But it also happens that the cat gets excited during the move and, when it turns out to be in a strange place, with strangers, does not want to think about anything else, as soon as it escapes or hides. Some cats, especially those who are not untied, may not let the cat in for two or three days, or even not at all. In this case, the owners of the cat can be recommended to close the cat and cat in a more limited space – in a separate room or closet. They will smell each other better, and perhaps when the cat has nowhere to run, the cat will take advantage of this. However, do not bring the mating to a fight. If the conflict is brewing, it is better to let the animals walk around the apartment.
It happens that neither the cat pays any attention to the cat, nor the cat especially does not seek cat. Or the cat can become aggressive, angry, rush at the cat and its owners. And can get depressed. In these cases, you will have no choice but to take the cat home and take it to another groom.
Some cats do not know how to behave during mating. They turn on their side, lie on their backs, which makes it difficult for a cat to achieve his goal. An experienced cat, of course, will find the moment and handle it. But if this does not happen, some experts advise the owners to help the cat to take the right position. To support.
We will think that all your plans have succeeded. But this also happens: so many efforts were spent preparing the mating, the mating took place, and your kitty did not become pregnant. Did not work out. This will become known in three weeks. You should inform the cat owners about this so that they do not expect from you, or rather from your cat, kittens and payment for mating. As a sign of gratitude, during the next estrus of your cat, it can be attributed again to this cat. They already know each other. If this time nothing worked, you should contact your veterinarian. Either your cat is not all right, or with the cat. If one of the animals already had kittens, then it is not difficult to identify the “culprit” of the vain estrus.