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Vaccination of cats – what and when to do

golden british shorthair
29 Jun, 2024

Vaccination of cats – what and when to do

All cats need to be vaccinated, because there is a risk of infection, even if the pet does not walk outside. Vaccination is the artificial creation of an immune response to a pathogen. A person or animal does not need to get sick for the body to learn to resist an infection or virus.

What vaccinations are given?

  • Rabies
    1st: 12th week / 2nd: 1 year, Then: every 3 yrs
  • FVRCP (Basic)
    1st: 6th week/2nd: 9 week 3rd: 12 week, Then: every year
  • FeLv
    1st: 8-9th week / 2nd: 11-12th week, Then: every year


Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis, Calicivirus, and Panleukopenia are highly contagious diseases causing respiratory issues, oral ulcers, and severe gastrointestinal problems.


Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV) is a serious and often fatal disease that weakens a cat’s immune system, making them more susceptible to infections and certain cancers.


Rabies is a fatal disease that affects the nervous system of mammals, including humans. it’s required by law

golden british shorthairHow to prepare a cat for vaccination

Treat your cat for parasites 10-14 days before vaccination if you are giving it an anthelmintic drug irregularly or have missed the treatment deadlines. Due to parasites, the functioning of the animal’s internal organs is disrupted, making it more difficult for the body to resist pathogens. If you vaccinate a weakened animal, the effectiveness of the vaccination will be lower or it will be completely useless. In addition, the risk of complications and adverse events from vaccination increases. If you strictly deworm your cat once every three months, you do not need to give her an additional deworming tablet before vaccination.

Even if the animal has no signs of infection, treatment should be carried out for prevention. Many antiparasitic products for animals protect against both helminths and external parasites – fleas and ticks. It is enough to give your cat one tablet by weight. Your veterinarian will help you choose the drug.

If your cat has worms and fleas, first treat her for parasites and only then vaccinate her.

golden british shorthairMake sure your cat is healthy

Normally, a cat’s body temperature is 38–39.5 °C. If your cat refuses to eat and is lethargic, these may be signs of a fever. High temperature is one of the first signs of various diseases, so you need to urgently contact a veterinarian to determine the cause.

Body temperature in cats is measured with a medical thermometer. It is inserted into the animal’s anus one and a half to two centimeters with light rotational movements. There are also ear thermometers for cats – they are carefully inserted into the auricle.

Before going to the veterinary clinic, you can take your cat’s temperature at home. Often a trip to the doctor is stressful for the animal. Stress can cause your cat’s temperature to rise. The doctor will decide that the animal is sick and may not allow it to be vaccinated. And at home the situation is calm – the cat will not have time to catch up with the temperature at the sight of a thermometer, even if it is very afraid of it.

At the clinic, before administering the vaccine, the veterinarian will further examine the cat to ensure that it is healthy.

golden british shorthairWhen should a cat not be vaccinated?

A kitten cannot be vaccinated if:

  • he is less than 21 days old;
  • he was born from a vaccinated cat and is younger than eight weeks, because during this period the baby is protected by maternal immunity and the vaccine is useless.

A cat at any age cannot be vaccinated if:

  • she has an acute illness or an exacerbation of a chronic disease;
  • she is pregnant or nursing kittens;
  • she is weakened or exhausted.

We hope that our useful information about cat vaccinations will help you keep your pet healthy. Vaccination must be carried out in the correct manner to prevent the development of serious diseases in your furry friend.

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