Our second cat became a mother!
The beautiful Wendy gave us three lovely kittens on February 29 – the logical result of her passion with the courageous Joker.
The kids have an excellent appetite and grow quickly.
Will be available for viewing at our Port Coquitlam location in one month and for adoption in two months.
To get first choice and a low price guarantee, you can make a $100 deposit.
Cute golden british shorthair kittens delighted us with their birth. Our wonderful cat Wendy gave us amazingly beautiful creatures. She often pleases us with her offspring, impeccable in everything. The kittens have a beautiful coat, healthy hair, strong little fluffy balls that will definitely grow into gorgeous cats.
Take a look at the photos of our kittens that Wendy gave birth to. And you can see the cat, she feels great. She did an excellent job with the birth process. We watched as the kittens were born so that we could help her if necessary. But there was no need to help, Wendy handled everything herself. Our animals are the best in all their characteristics, from character to appearance.